Then through lion dancers creativity, the first wooden stilts/pole was invented by Hing Tung Lok lion dance association. At that time the set stilts/pole, only contain 5 poles. This poles also named as mei hua zhuang, (The Plum Blossom Poles).
Latter then, when the 5 stakes plum blossom was introduced, many other troups get an idea to reinvent the poles, in the later competition, some troups came out with a whole set of poles which some is higher than 20 feet in height.
Considering that the danger and also performance limit, performance limit simply means that, because of those stilts is too high, performer have to be extremely carefull as a single slip may cause fatal. That is also the main reason that the performance on pole is not so exciting at that time. So with all these consideration, Malaysian’s lion dance federation community, with the relationship of many other lion dance involvers overseas, unite to form INTERNATIONAL LION AND DRAGON DANCE FEDERATION in Hong Kong dates back at the year 1992. Purpose is to set an international standard in lion dance competition and also judging standard. 1993, the proposal of standardizing the competition rules in terms of pole height, pole length, performance time length and also other miscellaneous rules was officially submitted to the International Dragon and Lion Dance Federation committee. In the year 1995 Febuary of the 23rd, International Dragon & Lion Dance Federation officially operating with their new rules and regulation and that has form today’s standard high stilts acrobatic lion dance competition and performance. 1997, International Dragon & Lion Dance Federation moved from Hong Kong to Beijing China. Besides organizing lion dance competition, the International Dragon & Lion Dance Federation also train many qualified competition judges around the world by going through strict procedure, Training and also Examinations.
Dangerous Height. Touches More Than 20 Feet.
A Short Video On Competition's Before The Establish
Of The International Dragon & Lion Dance Federation
Watch The Video Above. Now This Not True About Jongs/stilts
The Talent Dressing In Video Is In The Ching Dynasty, Jongs Only Invented After 1983
See This Explaination Video. The very First Jong For Lion Dance